New Items of Interest

WP Congress 2025 Tokyo

June 22, 2024

The call for abstracts is open. Abstracts are invited that: report on the latest research with original scientific data [this includes systematic/narrative reviews and meta-analyses]; special interes...

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FFN European Regional Congress 2024

June 22, 2024

The FFN congress brings together surgeons, physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, researchers, and leaders in the field of fragility fractures, and provide a lively platform to learn and sha...

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Global Fragility Fracture Network

March 20, 2024

Vertebral Fragility Fractures (VFF) are the most common fractures that occur due to osteoporosis, and are associated with pain and disability. Given that vertebral fractures often occur due to falls o...

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World Physiotherapy Congress 2025

February 25, 2024

The call for focused symposia will open on Monday, the submission deadline is 25 April 2024. If you are planning on submitting a focused symposium download the submission guidelines, and find out whic...

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New guidance on reducing falls in aged care

February 15, 2024

Australian Ageing Agenda: New research outlines how a tailored exercise and falls prevention plan can successfully prevent aged care residents falling. The findings have been published in two research...

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