Dr. Raymond Finlay Award

IPTOP’s inaugural President and Chair was Olwen Finlay. In 1999, her husband, Dr. Raymond Finlay was instrumental in supporting Olwen in the founding of IPTOP through financial support from himself and professional friends and colleagues. Dr. Finlay passed away on April 8, 2018. In memory of Raymond Finlay, a bursary was founded by the Finlay family and others.

The purpose of the IPTOP Raymond Finlay Award is to support only our younger members (aged 30 or under) to attend a World Physiotherapy Congress and delivering a poster or a platform presentation in relation to Physiotherapy with Older People. The award is for up to £350 (Sterling).

The recipient will be asked to write an article for the IPTOP Newsletter and will meet with the IPTOP Executive Committee at the Conference.

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